We are practice management and workflow experts who can support your technology needs in a variety of ways, each tailored to your firm’s specific situation and needs. Whether your firm is in need of a full blown strategic technology plan, looking for the first time to purchase a practice management system, (premise or cloud based) or upgrade an existing platform, we can help you.
We offer a variety of services …
When implementing your practice management system you may have data from other applications that you want to import. There are numerous standard data import wizards to help you import information from programs like Amicus Attorney, Abacus, Outlook, ACT, Goldmine, TABS III, PCLaw, Timeslips, and the like. We can handle these data conversion needs seamlessly.
OTB can also provide more advanced data conversion from most any database application or document store. This more advanced level of conversion typically entails the development of custom conversion applications to fully collect, scrub and integrate the data into the chosen platform. Specifically regarding Time Matters, we have imported millions of our clients’ records into Time Matters from GroupWise, ECCO, Outlook, Perfect Law, Junior Partner, our clients’ document folders, and many other sources.
Professionals need access to their data when they are away from the office. Whether you use a laptop, PDA, or need to sync from home or a remote office, we can help you get your system properly configured.